Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are clearly eighteen-year-old spring breakers in the bodies of regal British gentlemen. Since these besties have arrived in Berkeley to rehearse their upcoming production of Harold Pinter’s No Man’s Land, Stewart has taken to Twitter and Facebook, sharing photos of their exploits — from dim sum trips to posing next to that spot where Janis Joplin got arrested — with a zeal you wouldn’t expect from one of the world’s foremost interpreters of Shakespeare.
We’ve never seen a bromance as special as the one between Broadway’s favorite Sirs. Check out a timeline of their chummiest photos in the gallery below.
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(via @SirPatStew)

(via @SirPatStew)

(via @SirPatStew)

(via @SirPatStew)
Click here to see the first official photo of Stewart, McKellen, and their Two Plays in Rep costars, Billy Crudup and Shuler Hensley.