Casting has been announced for Working by Studs Terkel, Stephen Schwartz, and Nina Faso at The Production Company’s Lex Theatre in Hollywood. August Viverito will direct the production which opens on March 16.
Based on the book by Studs Terkel in which interviews from American workers were adapted into a quilt of stories and songs by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso,
The production will feature Lane Allison, Michael D’Elia, Margaret Dwyer, Harmony Goodman, Kurt Andrew Hanson, Randy Wade Kelley, Larry Lederman, Judy Nazemetz, Pamela Taylor, and Michael Zemenick.
Working includes music by James Taylor, Craig Carnelia, Stephen Schwartz, Micki Grant, Matt Landers, Graciella Danielle, Susan Birkinhead and Mary Rodgers. Musical diirection is by Richard Berent.
The production design also includes choreography by Nancy Dobbs Owen. The production is produced and assistant directed by the company’s Co-Artistic Director T.L. Kolman. Stage management is by Christopher Carver and C.B. Spencer.