Casting has been announced for the world premiere of Aesculapius, conceived, written and directed by Ellen Stewart, to be presented at La MaMa E.T.C., May 28-June 14, with an opening set for May 31.
The play is about the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing, and tells how the son of sun god Apollo and mortal maiden Coronis transcends to his rightful place in the heavens. This is the first known play to be written about Aesculapius, adapted from the classic Greek tale.
The multi-ethnic cast will include George Drance, Cary Gant, Denise Greber, Allison Hiroto, Onni Johnson, Michael Lynch, Benjamin Marcantoni, Matt Nasser, Prisca Ouya, Eugene the Poogene, Frederico Restrepo, Valois, Meredith Wright, Perry Yung, and Kat Yew.
The production will feature music composed by Stewart, with additional music by Michael Sirotta, Yukio Tsuji, and Heather Paauwe, with Greek music written by Elizabeth Swados, and performed by live musicians. The creative team will also include Federico Restrepo (choreography), Theodora Skipitares (puppets), Federico Restrepo (lighting), Mark Tambella and Jun Maeda (scenic consultants), and Tim Schellenbaum (sound).
For more information, visit