Special Reports

Beard Care Tips With the Men of Swept Away

The cast tells us how to take care of that gnarly facial hair.

David Gordon

David Gordon

| Broadway |

December 26, 2024

In Swept Away, rugged beards symbolize the seafaring lifestyle. On stage, the weatherbeaten cast wear their whiskers with pride. Off stage, it’s a bit difficult to keep the ol’ pushbroom fresh. Here, several cast members share the pros and cons of sporting voluminous facial hair, and the lessons they’ve learned for taming the mane aalong the way.

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Matt DeAngelis, Brandon Kalm, Orville Mendoza, Tyrone L. Robinson, Wayne Duvall, and Robert Pendilla
(images provided by the artists)

How did the production decide on the facial hair looks for your character?
Robert Pendilla: We were all asked to grow out our beards from the moment we said yes to coming aboard the big boat.

Orville Mendoza: They left it up to nature. When we got our contracts, they basically told us not to touch our facial hair at all.

Brandon Kalm: They just saw how it was growing and said, “That’s perfect. Do not touch it.” And I said, “Ever?” And they said, “Ever.”

Wayne Duvall: When you’re gone for six months at a time, shaving isn’t a priority.

What beard-care products do you use and how do you take care of it?
Orville Mendoza: Cremo Palo Santo beard oil and beard wash.

Matt DeAngelis: Reuzel products. I like the beard oil.

Tyrone L. Robinson: I shampoo my beard every night with a beard wash, and oil it several times a week. I keep it simple and try to keep the hair and skin clean and moisturized. 

Robert Pendilla: Beard combs, washes, conditioners, and a beard balm, mostly by Reuzel. I also use an eyebrow styling gel on my beard since the gray hairs don’t want to lay as well as the black hairs in my beard.

The Company of SWEPT AWAY. Photo by Emilio Madrid (2)
The cast of Swept Away
(© Emilio Madrid)

How does having a beard for this production affect your daily life?
Matt DeAngelis: Hair gets in my mouth a lot and I’ve sworn off wings.

Tyrone L. Robinson: People already call me “sir” most places I go because I’m six-foot-12. But it definitely ages me, so I find people treat me like I’m 10 years older.

Brandon Kalm: I never get carded at the liquor store anymore.

What do your family and friends think of it?
Orville Mendoza: Haven’t gotten any complaints so far.

Tyrone L. Robinson: My family loves it!

Matt DeAngelis: My wife is obsessed.

Wayne Duvall: My wife hates it with a white-hot passion. 

Robert Pendilla: My husband does, on occasion, say, “I’m gonna trim that one gray hair!”

Brandon Kalm: My wife loves it, and my family hates it, which is really fun. I think I’ll keep it to stir the pot once this is all done.

Stark Sands, John Gallagher, Jr., Wayne Duvall, and Adrian Blake Enscoe in SWEPT AWAY. Photo by Julieta Cervantes
Wayne Duvall and John Gallagher Jr.
(© Julieta Cervantes)

What do people say about your beard when they see you in person?
Wayne Duvall: Hi Santa!

Orville Mendoza: Hello, daddy.

Matt DeAngelis: Oh, there’s a lot of jokes.

Tyrone L. Robinson: Guys compliment my beard all the time. It’s a cool conversation starter!

Robert Pendilla: “Ok, beard!”

Brandon Kalm: “I knew you had a beard, but I didn’t know it was a beard. Is it itchy?”

How does the beard help inform your character choices?
Wayne Duvall: I think he gives my character some gravitas and wisdom. 

Orville Mendoza: It emphasizes the fact that personal grooming on board a whaling vessel was at the bottom of the list of things to do today.

Tyrone L. Robinson: My character is a bit of a lady’s man. He loves being a “man of a certain age” and loves the attention the beard gets him. He’s earned his place on the ship through years of work and experience. He owns his beard, the grays, and his wisdom.

Robert Pendilla: Surprisingly, it helps me become more in tune with the ship. I’m one of the only shipmates with gray hair in my beard and allows me to actually play my real age, and just feels awesome onstage.

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