The festival begins tonight with Noah Mease & Matt Carney’s ”The Silo”.
Ars Nova's seventh annual ANT Fest, which features a lineup of All New Talent, kicks off tonight and will run through June 28. This year's festival features fresh new work from many of New York's emerging artists. ANT Fest provides artist with a first step toward an extended artistic relationship with Ars Nova.
This year's ANT Fest lineup will include The Silo by Matt Carney and Noah Mease; Ike Night by Ikechukwu Ufomadu; The Frito-Lay Project by Skylar Fox and Simon Henriques; Streepshow! Episode 1 by Greg Kozatek, Jay Stull, Micah Bucey, and Nicholas Williams; GOOD MEN WANTED by Kevin Armento; The Highwayman by Knud Adams; People Tell Me Things by Peter Gil-Sheridan; SeaWife by Seth Moore and The Lobbyists; Too Many Lenas 3: Let Them Eat Cake by David Bernstein, Brittany Allen, Sam Corbin, Tessa Skara, Haley Traub, Elizabeth Trieu, and Jaime Wright; Ermyntrude and Esmerelda, A Naughty Puppet Play by Hunter S. Kaczorowski; The Shirtwaist Sisters by Lynn Andrews, Savannah Frazier, and Nicole Weiss; Condolences from the Future! by Chris Barlow; Ain't Gonna Make It by Lauren Dubowski, Nick Hussong, Cole Lewis, and Masha Tsimring; The Bakken Formations: Tales from the New West by Clare Drobot and Fritz Myers; Daniel Koren: The Most Important Thing by Daniel Koren; Underground Railroad Game by Jennifer Kidwell and Scott Sheppard; This Changes by Matt Gehring; Montana Pitches Their Feature Film, The Man Who Owns the Stars, to a Major Animation Studio: A Trial Run by Conor Eifler, Emily Kaplan, Ben Vigus, and Jeff White; …baby no more times by Mary Birbaum, Melissa Lusk, and Caroline V. McGraw; Stompcat in Lawndale by Mark Sonnenblick and Will Moritz; I Heard Sex Noises: A Glimpse at Gardening on Roosevelt Island by Andrew Farmer, Claire Rothrock, and Ryann Weir; Cyclops: A Rock Opera by Chas LiBretto, Landon Marcus, and Louis Butelli; and 1969: The Second Man by Jacob Brandt and Simon de Carvalho.
ANT Fest will also include two late-night editions of Showgasm, which showcases more of this year's Fest participants alongside Ars Nova's consistent lineup of fresh comedy, music, and variety acts. In addition, ANT Fest Lounge invites audiences and artists to hang out together and keep the party going late every night.
For more information, click here.