Theater News

Off-Broadway's Davenport Theatre Ends Operation

The theater recently housed the long-running ”Afterglow” and Christian Borle-directed ”Popcorn Falls”.

The Davenport Theatre is just half a block west of Broadway.
The Davenport Theatre is just half a block west of Broadway.
(© Zachary Stewart)

Off-Broadway's Davenport Theatre, owned and operated by Broadway and off-Broadway producer Ken Davenport, has ceased operations as of the end of January 2019. A recording on the theater's voicemail reports, "As of the end of January, the Davenport Theatre has closed."

The Davenport Theatre currently houseshouses two stages: The ground floor mainstage and the smaller upstairs Loft, which was home for over a year to the long-running Afterglow. In addition, the theater recently housed the Christian Borle-directed Popcorn Falls as well as another long-running show, Shear Madness.

Davenport took over the theater space in 2014. As a producer, Davenport's recent credits have included Gettin' The Band Back Together, Once on This Island, and Groundhog Day, The Play That Goes Wrong, and many more.