The beloved musical centers on matchmaker Dolly Levi (Opel), who is hired by the wealthy Horace Vandergelder (Gero) to find him a wife – and she thinks she is the best candidate! Jerry Herman’s classic score is accompanied by a book by Michael Stewart, based upon Thornton Wilder’s The Matchmaker.
Opel received a Tony nomination for Urinetown and an Obie Award for My Deah. She received Drama Desk and Lortel nominations for Polish Joke and Drama Desk, Drama League, Outer Critics Circle, and Lortel nominations for The Toxic Avenger.
Gero has won Helen Hayes Awards for his performances in Skylight at The Studio Theatre, and Henry IV, Richard II, and Macbeth at Shakespeare Theatre Company.
Additional casting is to be announced.
Click here for more information and Hello, Dolly! tickets.