Dan Abeles, Gerry Bamman, David Chandler, Carson Elrod, Glenn Fleshler, Paul Hope, Jason Howard, Julie Jesneck, Tom Kelly, Peter O’Connor, Ridley Parson, and Lisa Velton Smith will participate in a staged reading of Richard Brome’s A Jovial Crew, adapted by Stephen Jeffreys, with music and lyrics by Mickey Gallagher and Ian Drury. Rosemary Andress will direct the reading, which is part of Red Bull Theater’s “Revelation Readings” series, and will be held at Theater at St. Clement’s, on April 6 at 7 pm.
This politically incorrect musical comedy is about the homeless, with pointed commentary on others, as well. It was the last play to be performed before the closing of the English theaters in 1642, and one of the first revivals of the Restoration. The reading will be followed by a discussion with Professor Mario DiGangi.
The series will continue on May 25, with Ben Jonson’s classic comedy Volpone, starring Brian Murray.
For more information, visit www.redbulltheater.com.