The full cast and creative team have been announced for the Lifeline Theatre production of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, September 12-November 2, which will kick off the company’s 26th anniversary season. Directed by Kevin Theis, this production is adapted by Lifeline ensemble member Robert Kauzlaric.
Wilde’s tragic work examines the freedom of immortality with supernatural powers that grant Dorian Gray eternal youth and beauty.
The cast will star Nick Vidal as Dorian Gray, and feature Don Bender, Kevin Cox, John Ferrick, Kyle Gibson, Paul S. Holmquist, Melissa Nedell, Sean Sinitski, David Skvarla, and Aaron Snook. Understudy cast members include Anthony DiNicola, Peter Greenberg, Josh Nordmark, Laurel Schroeder, and Robert Tobin.
The creative team will include Kevin D. Gawley (lighting design), Branimira Ivanova (costume design), Tom Burch (scenic design), and Andy Hansen (sound design).
For more information, call 773-761-4477 or visit