New York City
Based loosely on the real-life show-business sisters, Daisy and Violet Hilton, who were conjoined twins and stars of stage and screen, the historical Daisy and Violet led highly colorful and visible but precarious and violent lives in Depression-era vaudeville. In this musical, the sisters must negotiate the pitfalls of fame and romantic entanglements while attempting to live two very different lives in one body. Side Show combines an enchanting score by DreamGirls composer Henry Krieger.
Daisy and Violet are the main attraction of the sideshow. A talent scout happens to be in the audience and immediately spots the musical gift of the Hiltons. He and his friend contrive to meet the girls in an attempt to lure them to vaudeville. The twins are unsure about leaving the security of the sideshow, but Daisy’s dreams of fame leads them to take the plunge. As their success grows on the Vaudeville circuit, love begins to bloom between the girls and their mentors. But the pressures of society start to wear on the couples. Don’t miss this truly heartwarming musical that ponders how we treat others in our lives.