Queen Nur: Sweet Potato Pie and Such

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$15.00; $6.00 lap seat for children under 3 years of age

About This Show

Renowned children’s storyteller, Queen Nur launches Olney
Theatre Center’s first season of year-round family programming.

Queen Nur’s stories draw on mythology, African folklore, and African
American history. “The key for a storyteller,” Queen Nur explains, “is to make
the story your own.” Drawing from fairy tales, children’s stories, and even
current events, Queen Nur (aka Karen Nur El-Amin), crafts new and interactive
stories with African American flare. Her tales are entertaining and inspiring,
but most importantly, they always have a message. “It’s not just for fun. We
do it to enrich lives, pass on traditions, and tell our stories,” she explains.

Dressed in self-designed African attire, Queen Nur tells tales based on her rich
heritage and values. “Ruth Oree’s Sweet Potato Pie” is Queen Nur’s version
of “Little Red Riding Hood.” In this storyteller’s version, Ruth Oree journeys
through city streets carrying a brown paper bag filled with fried chicken,
collard greens, and sweet potato pie on her way to grandma’s house (instead
of skipping through the woods with a basket of cake and butter). This story
touches on themes of slavery and freedom as Ruth plays double-dutch and
encounters a boy named Wolfgang (instead of a wolf).

School Matinee Friday, January 26
9:30 am and 12:00 pm

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: January 27, 2007