About This Show

Love: Take Two by Liz Amberly. When an East Village girl dives back into a relationship with her suburban ex-boyfriend, neither is prepared for what’s in store. (Director: Elysa Marden. Cast: Marge Royce, Michael J. Reilly)

Excerpts from Kallie by Stuart D’Ver. A disturbed woman is cast off by her brutal boyfriend to begin a surreal journey. (Cast: Judy Golden, Richard Zekaria)

Deja Vu All Over Again by Robin Rice Lichtig. Yogi Berra masters a trauma with the aid of a strange woman. (Director: John FitzGibbon. Cast: Robin Rothstein, Bob Manus)

Perchance by Craig Pospisil. Robbie is stunned when his girlfriend announces she’s in love with a man named Antonio and is moving to San Diego to be with him. (Cast: Ryan Duncan, Jane Petrov, Craig Pospisil and Jill Van Note)

At The Bar by Donna Spector. Frank and Gloria meet through eHarmony.com, but discover that they already know each other all too well. (Cast: Lucy McMichael, Baz Snider, Richard Zekaria)

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: February 7, 2008