About the Show

Kaleidoscope Theatre Company presents Sinfully Rich, a collection of five short comedies by Rich Orloff directed by Todd Allen Durkin, Nolan Haims, Catherine Baker Steindler, Joseph Ward and Jeffery C. Wolf.

In Sinfully Rich, relationships are difficult for a job seeker with an irrepressible “thing,” a theatre professor with an overactive clicker, a couple with two dysfunctional children, a New Jersey guy who has to compete for a girl with a prince from Mars, and four extremely attractive women who can’t stop fantasizing about an irresistible playwright. The five one-acts include Playwriting 101: The Rooftop Lesson, Matterhorn (previously produced in Los Angeles, Miami and Columbus), the world premiere of Just One of Those Things, plus the cosmic farce Mars Needs Women, But Not as Much as Arnold Schecter and the New York premiere of Four Extremely Attractive Women Sitting Around Fantasizing About Rich Orloff.

There are added performances on Wednesday, March 19th at 7PM; Saturdays, March 29th and April 5th at 3PM.

On March 23rd, there is a special Pre-Oscar Performance at 6PM (with a free glass of cheap champagne!)

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