Michael Carson Productions presents the world premiere of the new dark – musical comedy, Jonestown: The Musical, featuring book by Brian Silliman, music by Larry Lees and lyrics by Brian Silliman and Larry Lees. Sara Lampert Hoover directs.
Jonestown: The Musical is told through the point of view of Jim Jones’s chief lieutenant of the People’s Temple, Samuel Foreman, working backwards from that infamous day in 1978 when Jones instructed his congregation to drink a cyanide laced fruit punch. Foreman, being the only survivor, retells a tale of murder, mayhem and mass suicide that is so unbelievable and whacked out that it could only be true. Through multiple musical genres (vaudeville, Americana, gospel, circus, et al), Jonestown examines the era that made it possible for a megalomaniac like Jim Jones to attract so many loyal followers, as well as the machinations of what makes cults work.
Part of the New York International Fringe Festival.
Friday August 20 at 7:30pm
Saturday August 21 at 4pm
Sunday August 22 at 6pm
Wednesday August 25 at 10:45pm
Saturday August 28 at Noon