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Getting Off in Brooklyn

About the Show

Sex education — what does it mean in 2006? In Getting Off in Brooklyn — a collection of original one-act plays and monologues investigating youth, sex, relationships and the elusive orgasm — multiple answers and opinions collide, resulting in some funny and poignant discoveries. Opportunities and obscenities come together, helping us answer the question, “What role does sex play in our lives?”

The Orgasm Play by johnmichael rossi: A light comedy that exposes the insides of a college apartment and tests the boundaries between six friends.

The XYZ of It by Phil Haas: In this suspenseful encounter between teacher and student, propriety is tested and sometimes manipulated.

It’s a…BABY? by Cara Restaino: Having a baby is a blessed event. But having one without knowing you’re pregnant isn’t blessed, its a miracle!

My First Time? by Dana A Iannuzzi: This frank, yet comical, look at ‘the first time’ tackles the ultimate question: “In 2006, what does it mean to lose your virginity?”

On the Way Out by Phil Haas: During one night of debauchery, two young college students learn too much about each other by planning something that the other knows nothing about.

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