New York City
* Dinner from Redbones
* Comedy show by Jimmy Tingle and Mandy Donovan
* Silent Auction
* Showing of Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism by Robert Greenwald
How much would you pay for this event? We kept the ticket price low, to encourage everyone to donate to Driving Votes. The suggested donation is $10-$20. Bring your checkbook!
Bid on many great items such as a one week vacation condo in Waterville Valley, NH! All proceeds from the Auction go directly to Driving Votes.
Why donate to Driving Votes?
Driving Votes is a grassroots Political Action Committee that plans and organizes trips to the swing states to register voters in under-represented populations in predominantly Democratic neighborhoods. They support MoveOnPAC and America Coming Together by providing them with trained volunteers. Driving Votes ensures that registered voters get to the polls by contacting them and providing information on when, where, and why to vote.
Outfoxed: This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public’s right to know. Director/Producer Robert Greenwald is the Executive Producer of the “UN” series -Unprecedented, Uncovered, and the soon to be released Unconstitutional.
Donations to Driving Votes are not tax-deductible, according to Federal Election Commission regulations because they are a political action committee (PAC).