Dan Piraro, New York-based creator of the newspaper comic, Bizarro, has rummaged through every bar, comedy club and drunk tank from coast to coast and collected a veritable army of stand-up comics with political and social axes to grind. Having started in the heart of Bush country with shows in Austin, Dallas and Houston, this quartet of liberal wisenheimers reaches out to voters and bitch about the issues all across the country from now until the first Tuesday in November. Not the sugar-coated, corporate-approved drivel you’re used to seeing on TV, Bizarro’s PolitiComedy-A-Go-Go is an evening of unrestricted freedom of speech from some of America’s brightest comic minds. A wide variety of targets will be skewered including drug laws, corporate crime, global warming, gay marriage, Philip Morris, the erosion of democracy, and of course, Genghis Dubya and his Millionaire Mauauders.
Appropriate for audiences 16 and older.