If you’re looking for something to check out on or off-Broadway on this last weekend of summer, we have a few suggestions.
With so much great theater in New York City, you might need a little help deciding what to see this long Labor Day weekend. We've got you covered!
Here you'll find a list of standout shows that our TheaterMania critics consider especially worth your time, some of which are closing soon. They're all top productions that you definitely won't want to miss.
Click on the title of a show to learn more and purchase tickets.
House or How to Lose an Orchard in 90 Minutes or Less
"[T]he piece plays like a tone poem about the broader concept of "home" — namely, the human desire for a place to settle down, and all the personal and historical implications surrounding that desire." Read Kenji Fujishima's full review here.
"Bat Out Of Hell is jaw-dropping in its grandiosity, unfettered weirdness, and occasional incoherence." Read Zachary Stewart's full review here.
"Now is as good a time as any to introduce or reacquaint oneself with Little Gem, currently making its second appearance in New York City (after a run at the Flea in 2010) in a solid new production at Irish Repertory Theatre." Read Kenji Fujishima's full review here.
"On Broadway, Daniel Fish's Oklahoma! has reached its full potential….It's one of the best revivals I've ever seen." Read David Gordon's full review here.
"…Tootsie composer David Yazbek and book writer Robert Horn…[renovate] the 1982 film with awareness but not timidity,…shaping some of the most precarious material into one of the most hilarious musical comedies of the Broadway season." Read Hayley Levitt's full review here.
For more suggestions, visit our Broadway listings page here and our off-Broadway listings page here.