The high-energy rhythmic show, Stomp Out Loud will close at the Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino’s Showroom on January 4, 2009 after over 600 performances since it opened on April 17, 2007.
The current cast features E. Donisha Brown, Coralissa Gines Delaforce, Ivan Delaforce, Leilani Dibble, Andres Fernandez, Khalid Freeman, Stephanie Marshall, Keith Middleton, Cam Newlin, Richard J. Samson, Mike Silvia, Carlos Thomas, Guillaume Carreira, Harmony Costa, Antwan Davis, Liinda Garisto, Cammie Griffin, Kendrick Harmon, Forrest Ryan McKinnon, Jason Nious, Michael Oakley, Andrew Pang, Rochelle G. Patterson, and Chris Pounders.
For more information, visit