TheaterMania U

Semester Wrap-Up

Emily Anne Gibson reflects on what she’s learned and looks forward to the future.

Emily Anne Gibson
(© Jackie Mishol)

“The feeling is less like an ending than just another starting point.” – Chuck Palahniuk

As I’m reaching finals week (and the end of my sophomore year in college), it’s time to finish up this semester’s column. I’ve had a great time writing about dramaturgy and theater, and I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading about it.

As I leave the first half of my higher education behind me, I can’t help but really stop and think about how much I’ve gained so far. Do you ever do that? Just stop and think about the way you saw things as a freshman, and how you see them now? The way that I think has changed. I have new interests. I’ve worked on shows in ways I hadn’t even known were possible. College, for me, has been a playground – a kind of dangerous, very complicated playground with a couple of bullies, but a playground all the same. I’ve gotten my share of cuts and bruises, but they’ve all become part of my education. It has been an environment in which I can explore, and I hope I never take that for granted.

As for my readers, I hope that you have gleaned something out of these weekly articles. I know at least a few people have a better idea of what the field of dramaturgy entails. I hope that you’ve been interested to hear about social drama, children’s theater, and the different kinds of theater outlets available to us. Thank you for following along.

This isn’t really good-bye, as I will be returning to write for TheaterMania in the fall, this time as a correspondent from across the pond; I’ll be studying at the University of Oxford in England, and I know that I’m going to learn a lot while I’m over there. Hopefully, you’ll come back to TMU to check it out!

And with that, have a wonderful summer, everyone! Stay happy, catch some sun, and continue to be curious! Summer’s a great chance for us to expand our horizons as artists, be it through internships, travel, or seeing theater outside the norm. Good luck, and I’ll see you again in the fall!