In this staged reading adaptation, Cordes re-interprets California’s Proposition 8 legal case about same-sex marriage by mixing blogs and trial transcripts with audio and visual elements. The U.S. Supreme Court banned video from court proceedings, but reporters and activists used social media to record the event. A production team of more than fifty artists have donated their time and talents for this important reading of a trial that is paramount on our biggest civil rights issues at this moment.
The creative team includes Beth Marshall (producer/director), Chad Lewis (director/groom), Chasmin Hallyburton (production manager/director of atmosphere), John Sullivan (assistant stage manager), Brenna Nicely (dramaturgy), Amy Hadley-(light design), Tom Mangieri (set design), Jason Donnelly (wedding sound design/groom), and Jennifer Bonner (costume design).
The cast includes Yetta Bennett, Scott Borish, Brett Carson, Nicole Carson, Paul Castenada, John Connon, Chuck Dent, John DiDonna, Bob Dolan, Sara Jones, Shayna Klee, Mike Lane, Arwen Lowbridge, Michael Marinaccio, Jamie Middleton, Stephen Middleton, Jimmy Moore, David S. Monge, Michael Mormon, Pam O’Bannon, Miguel Pam O’Bannon, Miguel Paonessa, Eric Pinder, Jeremy Seghers, Kevin Sigman, Ava Tunstall, Rob Ward, and Wesley Williams. </P
Click here for more information and Prop 8 On Trial tickets.