The world premiere of Treasure Island: A Musical Adventure, co-written and directed by Joseph Jefferson Award winner Marc Robin, will open at the Fulton Theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylania, March 6-22.
The show, which is based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, will feature music by Robin and book and lyrics by Robin and Curt Dale Clark. It will star John Herrera, Christopher Dickerson, Randall Frizado, William Hartery, Erik Hogan, Joe Jackson, Matthew Kernisky, Adam Levinskas, Robert Rokicki, Zak Rissinger, George Andrew Wolff, and Hal Yudoff.
The creative team includes Robert Klingelhoffer (sets), Paul Black (lighting) , Beth Dunkleberger (costumes), Debra Dunlop (sound), and John Bellamo (fight choreography).
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