Theater News

Six Characters to Have World Premiere at Lincoln Center Theater/LCT3

Six Characters is a new play written by Phillip Howze and directed by Dustin Wills.

Phillip Howze and Dustin Wills
Phillip Howze and Dustin Wills
(© Beowulf Sheehan)

Lincoln Center Theater/LCT3 has announced the world premiere of Six Characters by Phillip Howze (Frontieres Sans Frontieres) and directed by Dustin Wills (Wolf Play), which will run July 13-August 25 at the Claire Tow Theater, with an opening night on July 29.

The new play will feature CG (Queer as Folk), Will Cobbs (Is This a Room), Seven F. B. Duncombe, Claudia Logan, Julian Robertson (The Skin of Our Teeth), and Seret Scott (My Sister, My Sister).

Abolition takes on fresh meaning in Six Characters, when some trifling citizens storm a renowned cultural center where they’re not meant to be and all hell breaks loose.

Six Characters will have sets by Wills, costumes by Montana Levi Blanco, lighting by Masha Tsimring, and sound by Christopher Darbassie.

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Six Characters

Performances begin: July 13, 2024