Fellowship for Performing Arts announces two 2016-17 productions.
Fellowship for Performing Arts announced today its return to New York with two 2016-17 season productions at the Pearl Theatre.
The first offering will be a revival of The Screwtape Letters, starring FPA founder and artistic director Max McLean (November 15-27). Based on the novel by C.S. Lewis and adapted for the stage by Jeffrey Fiske and McLean, the play is set in an eerily stylish office in Hell and follows the clever scheming of one of Satan's senior tempters, Screwtape. He advises his nephew, a junior tempter, on enticing a human "patient" toward damnation. In this topsy-turvy, morally inverted universe, God is the "Enemy" and the Devil is "Our Father Below."
FPA will then present Martin Luther on Trial (December 2-January 29, 2017), written by Chris Cragin-Day and McLean, and directed by Michael Parva. In the new play, Luther’s beloved wife, Katie, defends him, and the Devil prosecutes, as witnesses including Adolf Hitler, Sigmund Freud, Rabbi Josel, St. Paul, Martin Luther King Jr., and Pope Francis take the stand.
For tickets to The Screwtape Letters, click here.
For tickets to Martin Luther on Trial, click here.