The Heath Ledger film is coming to the stage in 2025.
A stage musical version of the 2001 Heath Ledger-Paul Bettany film A Knight’s Tale will have its world premiere in April 2025 at the Manchester Opera House in England.
Based on the Columbia Pictures movie written and directed by Brian Helgeland, the film has been adapted for the stage by Irish writer Brona C. Titley, whose book is filled with previously recorded “rock and pop bangers,” according to a new trailer. Rachel Kavanaugh (The Great British Bake Off Musical) directs, and Matt Cole (Newsies) choreographs.
A Knight’s Tale follows William Thatcher, a 14th-century peasant squire who breaks all the rules when he passes himself off as a nobleman in the hopes of becoming the world champion of jousting. Casting and additional information will be announced in the coming months.
The production is set to open at Manchester Opera House on April 11, 2025 for a limited run until May 10, 2025.