The contestants of the upcoming sixth annual Broadway Beauty Pageant offered a sneak peak of the event Thursday, March 8 at Ripley-Grier Studios. Andrew Chappelle (Mamma Mia!), Wilkie Ferguson III (Porgy and Bess), Corey Mach (Godspell), Jesse Swimm (Mary Poppins), and Anthony Wayne (Priscilla Queen of the Desert) were joined by Broadway star Brent Barrett to perform “Beautiful Boys,” a parody of Stephen Sondheim’s “Beautiful Girls,” with new lyrics by Gerard Alessandrini. The Broadway Beauty Pageant, which benefits the Ali Forney Center, will take place on Monday, March 19 at Symphony Space. Click here for more information and Broadway Beauty Pageant tickets. Photo gallery loading… of Brent Barrett leads the Broadway Beauty Pageant company (© David Gordon) Corey Mach (© David Gordon) Anthony Wayne (© David Gordon) Andrew Chappelle (© David Gordon) Jesse Swimm (© David Gordon) Wilkie Ferguson III (© David Gordon) The contestants in the Broadway Beauty Pageant (© David Gordon)