Theater News

A Rocky Horror – British Venue Accidentally Orders 416 Sausages Instead of Frank-n-Furter Wigs

The musical, now touring Great Britain, had a bit of a mix-up.

The Rocky Horror Show and hot dogs.
The Rocky Horror Show and hot dogs.

The Orchard Theatre in Dartford, England, has had something of a linguistic mishap, reportedly ordering 52 cans of hot dogs instead of "Frank-n-Furter" wigs.

Set to coincide with the venue's hosting of The Rocky Horror Show, featuring Ore Oduba, Stephen Webb and Haley Flaherty, those in charge of inventory ended up with over 400 sausages rather than the expected curly "Frank-n-Furter" wigs. Frank-n-Furter is the famous part in the show, made iconic by Tim Curry in the Rocky Horror Picture Show movie.

According to the theater, the supplier (which regularly stocks parties) was responsible for the mix-up, as they supply both curly wigs and sausages. The wigs were meant to be sold to audiences so they could get into full Rocky Horror mode for the cult classic.

Speaking to Kent Online, venue worker Kay Hadley said: "I opened the box and I was completely confused. We checked to make sure no one in the venue had ordered them and we couldn't believe the mistake. We are still checking to see what happened."

The story came to a nice conclusion – the staff decided to donate the tins to food banks.

The Rocky Horror Show is touring Great Britain throughout the year.