About This Show

The Tale: Npinpee Nckutchie and the Tail of the Golden Dek is a new group work by choreographer Reggie Wilson using pushing and pulling, aloof partner manipulation, and the detached gazes of the social dance form Stepping. Examining the human search for coupling and uncoupling, it integrates African forms with the intricate partnering and movement dialogues of “hand dancing” idioms, Bopping and the Lindy Hop, as well as the Black Folks tradition that produced the Big Apple, the Black Bottom, and the Electric Slide.

Reggie Wilson founded his company, Fist and Heel Performance Group, in 1989. His work draws from the movement languages of the blues, slave, and spiritual cultures of Africans in the Americas and combines them with post-modern elements. Wilson travels frequently to destinations such as the Mississippi Delta, Trinidad and Tobago, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mosambique, South Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, Senegal, Mali and Chad to work with dance and performance groups as well as various religious communities.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: April 12, 2007 Final Performance: April 14, 2007
Location: On The Boards, Washington

100 W Roy St,



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