Written and performed by Becky Poole and directed by Carrie Morris, Murder, Hope is a new play incorporating Neuroplasticity research, superhero mythology, family history and Appalachian murder ballads, presenting an impassioned collage of compelling characters who all have in common a distinct lack of balance. The show connects emotional and intellectual dots between these concepts, pulling them into a cohesive piece using, personal stories, character work from case studies, experimental movement based on Neuroplastic therapy, Batman comic books, and creative acoustic sound design featuring the musical saw. It is a show bent in the experimental theatre direction, steeped in an absurd sense of humor, but grounded in truth (factual and emotional). It’s a show that aspires to have new hope, complicated goodness and a skewed sense of balance. Along with Carrie Morris’s direction, multi-media knowledge, and inter-disciplinary work history, the two have created a heartfelt and disorienting piece of theatre. This show was workshopped in Seattle at Theatre off Jackson and under the direction of Carrie Morris at the Dreamland Theater in Ypsilanti, Michigan. It will continue to run outside Seattle in the Canadian Fringe Festival Summer 2009