About This Show

Doctor Faustus is going to Hell, and the devil will have his due. In The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus — the first poetic tragedy in English drama — Christopher Marlowe presents a burning question: What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his immortal soul? Driven by curiosity and ambition, Faustus signs a pact with dark forces and embarks on a breathtaking journey through time and space with the devil Mephostophilis as his guide. The horror of damnation is obscured by the wonders heaped upon him: unlimited access to forbidden knowledge, heady encounters with the legendary and powerful, the satisfaction of every desire. Lucifer’s generosity is boundless — until the clock strikes midnight. Directed by James Edmondson.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: June 8, 2005 Final Performance: October 7, 2005