On Her Shoulders – A reading of Rachel Crother’s A Man’s World

About This Show

May 20th, The Legacy Project & On Her Shoulders launches their year-long staged reading series, featuring plays by women written over ten centuries. LPTW is co sponsoring Special Talk-Backs in the Series.

The Play:
By Rachel Crothers
Directed by Melissa Crespo

Set in early 20th century Greenwich Village, in a tenement populated by Bohemian artists and immigrants, the play features Frank, a worldly but idealistic woman writer who is determined to bring attention to the plight of women, especially the poor. What happens when she must choose between her principles and her heart? The play considers the gendered double-standard and the meaning of family- by birth or by choice. Over a century after the play premiered, it remains funny and moving, and, above all, it still speaks to us.

FREE RSVP for first come, first served tickets. RSVP at OnHerShouldersReservations@gmail.com

Guaranteed best seat with $10 donation. Ticketing URL leads to paypal donation link.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 35min (0 intermissions)
Dates: One Night Only: May 20, 2013