About This Show

The soup must go on! But some of the ingredients are missing! In this original production based on the story of Chicken Little, the audience is asked for a pinch of this and a dash of that to make the “soup” complete, much as the villagers created “Stone Soup” in the classic folktale. Children will be asked to provide ideas, sound effects and even be asked to come on stage to perform with the actors. Children will learn the fun of creating theater and how to make a play. For ages 4-9.

Theater Soup, conceived by Jonathon Ward and Katha Cato, is a new style of story theater for children. Written and directed by Katha Kato, Henry Street Settlement’s Arts-in-Education coordinator and award winning improviser, the show features John Burgos and John Scutchins.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: February 1, 2003 Final Performance: February 16, 2003