The Lark Theatre Company presents Rob Ackerman’s The Last Word, a bittersweet comedy about men’s minds by the author of the Off-Broadway hit Tabletop. During a hastily arranged dinner party between couples who have never met, both husbands come udone when their wives call them to account for mistakes they’ve made.
Connie Grappo directs this BareBones presentation. BareBones Presentations are the hallmark of The Lark Theatre Company. These productions are fully staged, and provide the playwright and cast with a full rehearsal period – but, as the name implies, shows are presented in a “bare bones” fashion. With low-ticket prices and limited attention paid to physical production, the focus can be placed on building the strengths of the unadorned text. This benefits the playwright and the play, but also allows the public a rare glimpse at a play’s developmental process, which The Lark Theatre Company has made its mission to support and cultivate.