Taming of the Shrew is Shakespeare’s classic comedy about love between a perfect pair of divas. Everybody loves Bianca (played by a blow-up doll) but no one can marry her until her fiesty older sister, Kate, is married off. Enter Petruchio, a finger-lickin’ ladies man on the lookout for a wealthy wife. Rebecca Patterson directs an all-female cast.
“Bearded or barefoot, these ladies act up a storm.” — Terry Teachout, The Washington Post
“The entire company is refreshing and enormous fun and a great contribution
to New York Theatre.” — John Heilpern, The New York Observer
“Make plans now, as you don’t want to miss any chance to see these amazing
women in action.” — Christopher Byrne, Gay City News
“The magic of The Queen’s Company simply can’t be stifled.” — Show Business