About This Show

Holly Woodlawn was part of the Andy Warhol Factory scene in the 1960’s and 1970’s, the wildly creative underground downtown Manhattan scene that created visual art, films, music, and performance. Along with fellow Warhol Superstars and associates like Lou Reed, Edie Sedgwick, Sylvia Miles, Viva, Penny Arcade, and Candy Darling, Holly appeared in projects regularly and the gossip columns constantly. Take a Walk on the Wild SIde WIth Holly Woodlawn is an evening of songs and stories by this incomparable transsexual artist. It includes her signature rendition of the show’s titular Lou Reed song. Other songs “Capricious and Fickle”, “Ugly Duckling”, “Le Soiree Fini”, and “You’re The Top”, among others.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: August 14, 2004
Location: Fez, New York City

380 Lafayette St,

New York,


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