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$18.00; $13.00 Student/Senior

About This Show

Emmanuel, an esteemed poet, appears at the home of his former lover Tamar, whom he has not seen for 18 years. Tamar is married to a man named Yotam and they have an 18 year-old daughter, Neta. During the week Emmanuel spends in their home, he rocks the family to its foundations: Tamar is keen to rekindle their old romance and Neta finds him sexually irresistible despite his advanced age. Yotam seems to stand by helplessly as the family suddenly flies apart.

Although the situation seems like an impending tragedy, the four succeed in overcoming it, mostly through the help of Neta and her Kabalistic interpretation of the Creation myth, which initiates a spiritual and profound “new birth” and points them to a promising new way. This interpretation places God and man as the simultaneous creators of one another, through a process of destruction and construction, giving man the tools to repair or amend the soul and spirit of his life and his world. With it, the family members embark on a process which pulls them out of the “the chaos” of the first day, towards the relief and tranquillity of receiving the Sabbath.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: March 13, 2008 Final Performance: March 30, 2008

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