New York City
Meet Pat and Ellie, an aspiring actor and writer, best friends and
overachievers in every area of their lives except their chosen professions. They read comics, play video games, and eat pie at the local diner. They just don’t get much actual work done. The pressure builds as Pat lands his dream role of Hamlet, and Ellie, a perpetual student, realizes that finishing her thesis will catapult her back into the evil real world. It seems that the only person in history with worse procrastination problems is Prince Hamlet himself. But he’s not real. Or is he?
Reference Material [3am Pie] marks the Manhattan debut of the Lifeblood Theater Company. The show is written and directed by Jill Jichetti.
Friday, August 9 @ 5pm
Tuesday, August 13 @ 5:30pm
Friday, August 16 @ 8pm
Saturday, August 17 @ 12:30pm
Sunday, August 18 @ 10:15pm
Saturday, August 24 @ 3:45pm