The definitive spy-ware performance – a voyeur’s paradise. Using a fictional character, Nada, Kaldor explores the patch-working together of a past that closely resembles her own. Kaldor invites the 19-year-old Nada to present her large collection of photographs – for years she has been observing people, taking ‘spy-photos’ of them, capturing their private moments. The core of Nada’s interest is to trace the various life-strategies that people follow. Driven by curiosity, she becomes witness to a wide range of – at times excessive – human behavior. Together with the audience she autopsies the images, implications and patterns that emerge. She aims to get a comprehensive overview and reach the ultimate conclusion: the vision of a life worth pursuing.
Edit Kaldor was born in Budpest and left Hungary for New York at the age of 13, where she would study theatre and literature and later become dramaturge and video film-maker for Peter Halasz’ Love Theatre in 1993. In 1999 Edit Kaldor moved to Belgium where she worked with digital media for several years. For Point Blank she has collaborated with the artist and filmmaker Frank Theys. At present Edith Kaldor is one of the resident artists at the Antwerp performance workplace wp Zimmer.