New York City
Set in New York and spanning the Great Depression and World War II, the story of Mame is full of life’s discoveries. Eccentric, bohemian, outrageous, fascinating, larger-than-life. These adjectives and many more have been used to describe Mame Dennis, the woman who truly believes that life is a banquet and who lives a fabulous life with her wealthy friends. She exhorts one and all to “live, live, live!” But then the young eight-year-old son of her late brother arrives to live with her. Together, they embark on a series of adventures – through thick and thin – with Mame’s freethinking ways leading them. A beautiful, wonderful story filled with some of the most memorable songs in Broadway history, including “Mame,” “We Need a Little Christmas,” “If He Walked into My Life,” and “Bosom Buddies.” Music and lyrics by Jerry Herman. Book by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee. Directed by James Martinelli.