About This Show

Maison Du Chic is multimedia new wave Kabaret for art-damaged adventure seekers, featuring Services, Dynasty Handbag, Mighty Robot A/V Squad, hosted by Nicklcat. Fake british synth poppers mix with lib arts lesbians, psychedelic visuals, and burlesque starlets for ONE NIGHT ONLY of art-damaged fun and dancing. Somewhere out of a neo new wave fantasyland where movies and live music converge into a daring and genre defying form of entertainment, the Maison Du Chic is known by insiders to have featured such bands as Scissor Sisters, Hidden Cameras, and Gil Mantera’s Party Dream, along with future-forward artists like Cory Arcangel and Julie Atlas Muz in an cocoon of electronic disco and frenzied visuals.

Part of the Spiegeltent festival.

This is a midnight show.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: August 18, 2006
Location: Old Fulton Fish Market, New York City

South Street (Under Brooklyn Bridge),

New York,


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