Let Us Go Then, You and I & The Ted Haggard Monologues

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About This Show

Let Us Go Then You and I is directed by James Dacre and inspired by the Dramaticules of Samuel Beckett. Trapped where time stands still and sorrow is silent, three women tell tales of shared experience, growing up and losing sight of what they loved.

The Ted Haggard Monologues deals with the scandal surrounding Megachurch pastor Ted Haggard and Denver fitness consultant and former gay escort Mike Jones. Rather than a factual retelling, it’s a series of arias by characters — both real and fictional — involved in the saga: the Reverend in charge of Ted’s healing, the eldest son and his fiancee. In monologues alternately hilarious and existential, they reveal their relation to Ted, to God, and to the pain which has shocked them into life.

Let Us Go Then, You and I and The Ted Haggard Monologues are presented as part of the Collective:Unconscious Underground Zero Festival.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: July 26, 2007