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Henry VI: Parts 1, 2, & 3

About the Show

Focusing on the struggle and marginalization of strong women in a patriarchal and misogynistic society, Hamlet Isn’t Dead’s productions seek to highlight some of Shakespeare’s most powerful female characters.

Fraught with power struggles, betrayal, intrigues, pirates, French accents and just a sprinkling of humor, Henry VI promises to be a dynamic and intriguing portrayal of England’s War of the Roses.


Nick Bosanko Dauphin / Petitioner / Murderer / Old Clifford / George
Jessica Cermak Joan la Pucelle / Keeper / Lieutenant / Salisbury / Peter / Oxford
Logan Keeler Somerset / Neighbor / Edward
Ewa Maria Wojcik Reignier / Salisbury / Vernon / Duchess / Horner / Buckingham / Lady Grey
Bradley Sumner Talbot / Clifford / Neighbor / Sir Stephen
Kevin Percival Alençon / Warwick / Walter Whitmore / Keeper
Sophia Blum Sir Thomas Gargrave / Margaret of Anjou
Morgan Hooper Sergeant/Henry
Jara Jones Mortimer / Burgundy / Gloucester / Richard
Sara Group Bedford / Suffolk / General / Prince Edward / Rivers / Richmond
Travis Johnson Burgundy / Cardinal Winchester / Sheriff Stanley / Keeper 1 / Somerset
Jonathan Minton Sir William Glansdale / Sentinel / York / Hastings

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