A recent posting in the dating section of craigslist.com claimed that "Asian women are the other white meat." The implication was that a white man and an Asian woman make the most common and socially acceptable interracial pairing. Fetish, a new play, depicts Matt and Sophie, a couple about to get married, who must contend with how much race and ethnicity still matter to them in an era after political correctness.
A contemporary twist on Othello, Fetish explores the ways in which people of color are exoticized and eroticized even by those who are closest to them. While the tragedy of Othello lies in the title character’s capitulation to the violent, barbarous caricature, Fetish portrays the tragedy that arises from subscribing to those very stereotypes.
Provocative pornographic images will be projected through the play, which highlight the sexual stereotypes often associated with Asian women and black men and encourage the audience to reflect on their own reactions.