About This Show

Theater for the New City presents the world premier of Fear Itself: Secrets of the White House by Jean-Claude van Itallie (whose seminal anti-Viet Nam play, America Hurrah was hailed as the first major dramatic work in the 60’s anti war movement), is at once hilarious and harrowing, a witty, politically radical and utterly up-to-date take on recent international events. While the sadistic, dyslexic Emperor Butch wages war in the far off land of Arockandahardplace, the consequences of his actions and dysfunctional behavior — not to mention those of his mother Big Mommy, his wife Little Mommy, his dog Rover, and his antic cabinet — are suffered by Emperor Butch’s three children locked in the basement of the White House. Directed by George Ferencz.

Appropriate For Ages: 13 and up

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 0min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: December 10, 2005 Final Performance: January 8, 2006

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