New York City
Unadulterated puppet mayhem occurs with Drama of Works and Exploding Puppet Productions. Drama of Works performs the Sid & Nancy Punch & Judy Show, which combines the two tragic stories with hilarious results. Also, take a new look at David Ives’s hysterical one-act play Words, Words, Words with tiny monkey puppets trying to write Hamlet. You can also view an excerpt of their newest masterpiece, Puppet Kafka, in which a Kafka marionette and a scurrying cockroach make you laugh and cry. Exploding Puppet Productions, in Association with Blue River Productions and Drama Of Works, performs “Die Hard: The Puppet Musical,” with book by John Ardolino, lyrics by John Ardolino and James Walton and music by James Walton, directed by Dean Strober. Somewhere between homage and parody lies this singing-sock-puppet-themed adaptation of a late 1980’s action movie. It’s the epic tale of New York cop John McClane as he blows stuff up, befriends a local cop with a weakness for snack cakes and kicks some serious terrorist ass to save the puppet he loves, all done with a diverse array of puppets and gripping musical numbers.
This evening of puppet theater with Drama of Works and Exploding Puppet Productions is presented as part of the Collective: Unconscious Underground Zero festival.