Grug and the Rainbow

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About This Show

Windmill Theatre Co (Pinocchio) returns with Grug and the Rainbow, an all-new colorful tale based on Ted Prior’s celebrated series of picture books. Grug, with the help of his friends Cara the carpet snake and Snoot the echidna, sets off on a quest to capture a rainbow that he can call his very own. Set to the musical musings of DJ TR!P (Plop!) and featuring playful puppetry and imaginative storytelling, Grug and his mates embark on a fun-filled adventure, landing themselves in a host of hilarious situations.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: May 13, 2017 Final Performance: May 21, 2017
Location: The New Victory Theater, New York City

209 W 42nd St,

New York,


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