All Too Human, an original work written and performed by Henry Miller, tells the story of Clarence Darrow’s fight against religious intolerance, capital punishment, prohibition, the oppression of the workers and anything else Darrow felt impeded the bringing of enlightenment and culture to the human mind. He was the plain-speaking son of Mid-Western abolitionists who considered himself “a cunning actor like that other trial lawyer from Illinois, Abe Lincoln.” He argued and won many of the most famous cases ever brought to trial; defending the down-trodden and the a-moral; the maligned and the misguided; the obsessed and the oppressed; all human beings; all too human.
Clarence Darrow’s career and convictions re-defined the essence of the American legal system. In 1912, however, he was indicted for bribing a jurist. He hired the infamous Earl Rogers to defend him; but decided to deliver his own summation to the jury. He won. Then came Leopold and Loeb, followed the next year by a case in Dayton, Tennessee – The Scopes Monkey Trial.