The Monday Nights, New Voices series, created by composer Scott Alan, continues. The concert is hosted by ‘New Voices’ alumni, Les Miserables’ Nikki Renee Daniels and Jersey Boys’ Sara Schmidt. Both Daniel and Schmidt took part in the very first ‘New Voices’ concert.
The evening features ‘New Voices’ making their Broadway debuts, and will include, Les Miserables’ Jeff Kready, The Pirate Queen’s Jennifer Waiser, Tarzan’s Natalie Silverlieb, Wicked’s Brian Crum and Beauty and the Beast’s Connor Gallagher.
The celebrated guest composer is Jekyll & Hyde’s Frank Wildhorn, who will accompany the singers on selections from his songbook. Daniels and Schmidt, in addition to hosting, will sing a tribute to Wildhorn.
Barbara Anselmi returns as musical director for the one-night-only event.