About the Show

A quarter century since the loss of their fearless leader, and over forty years since he and they first ruled the world, the indelible, undeniable music and magic of The Beatles continues to plant a smile straight cross the face of even the deepest, bluest meanie you or I could ever hope to know.

Yet many still wonder why: They fish for their iPods, slide rules and Thesauruses in order to somehow make some rational sonic sense out of how four kids off the docks could possibly turn the world so totally on, and make us over so completely for the ages.

Meanwhile, quietly brewing away in their own personal caverns was a sharp-eared New York band named Bubble who, rather than fearing that Fab specter which is John, Paul, George and Ringo decided instead to just break out their six-strings and quite simply, quite ingeniously, let the melodies do the talking. For a change.

What soon followed was a string of concerts in venues both big, small, near, far, indoor and outdoor at which Bubble stunningly recreated Beatlesong after Beatlesong as audiences from six to, yes, sixty-four stood and swayed in rapt, beaming appreciation.
Still wondering why?

Go pull out your nearest copy of “Revolver” and just TRY to not spin instantly beneath its spell. Then go see and hear Bubble do it all over again, from 1963 to 1969 to forever and farther into the future than any of us can even truly imagine. Because, you see, there really is
nothing you can do that can’t be done. And nothing you or I can sing that can’t be sung. why, “It’s easy!” as the Chief Beatle once told the world. Bubble were listening. Now you should too.

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