Shapiro & Smith Dance

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About This Show

Dancing with breathtaking physicality and emotional depth, Shapiro & Smith Dance has earned a reputation for virtuosity, substance and pure abandon. Notes from a Séance, their newest offering, is a witty and imaginative take on 19th-century occultism. Charlatanism is exposed through hilarious contacts with "the other side," set against Shapiro & Smith’s daring movement known to mesmerize audiences. Amidst the hysteria and hypnotism, the frauds and the true-believers, Notes from a Séance is sure to be an otherworldly experience, reminding us how a concern for the supernatural is as prevalent today as it was yesterday.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: April 9, 2009 Final Performance: April 12, 2009
Location: Southern Theater, Minnesota

1420 S Washington Ave,



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